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Now Geared up with decades of working experience, Seohan is decided to rewrite his Tale and satisfy his dreams with this next opportunity. With the many challenges and dim sides with the tunes sector, will he finally achieve debuting as being a member of the boy band this time?

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” Seongwu chooses the necromancer, a exceptional potential that grants him the ability to regulate the undead. With the campus and out of doors entire world seemingly within the brink of collapse, Seongwu must use his newfound powers to struggle fearsome monsters and support preserve his fellow students. But will they enable it to be out alive?

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But just prior to the fatal blow strikes his throat, Cyan awakes to locate he's just a boy again. The young lord has been reborn, which time, he is not intending to are now living in everyone's shadow!

선택권이 많아서 좋으며 파스타도 로제와 오일, 토마토 파스타가 모두 맛있습니다. 분위기 있고 가성비 read more 좋은 서양식 음식을 원하는 손님들께 적극적으로 추천드리는 코쿠미입니다.

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